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Candidate Soft-Skill Assessment using AI

Recent developments in Artificial Intelligence have made what could be called impossible possible, even impacting the job market. Usage of AI to induct viable and efficient candidates is the future, and certain assessments have to be made to ensure the selection of the best candidates possible. We have created a set of models which will provide the companies with not just the most basic character and occupational stats, but a more robust psychological one.



Staffing and Recruitment Firm



Our client is a Staffing and Recruitment Firm with global operations, hiring and providing jobs for both professionals and non-professionals alike. They work with various major corporations providing them human resources services, and they have been an industry leader for many years by now. They needed a software which could provide their clients with infallible workforce capable of fitting the roles that they applied for.



A versatile model like this certainly has its own set of challenges, they are stated as below:

  • Facial Analysis Issues - Various factors such as network quality, hardware quality, and environmental lighting can indeed affect the manner of effectiveness.

  • Concise Diagnosis - The diagnosis made by AI is not a medically astute one, the observations made fit the psychological profiling criteria for professionals, they are not by any means a diagnosis of character.

  • Audio Analysis Issues - Microphone quality, atmospheric noise can have a severe impact in the usage of the audio analysis module



Solution summary:

  • Utilizing state-of-the-art AI technology derived from research on psychology, we can arrive at a real time model capable of psychological evaluations on the go.

  • A set of pre-trained algorithms that checks various modes and moods of the applicant via facial and audio analysis are created.

  • These algorithms contain models that could analyze natural personality, lingual communication, confidence check, competency evaluation, response assessment, and interview intuition.

With the challenges in mind, we have created flexible solutions to deal with them:

  • A clear data set and comparative base is made by analyzing common methods of psychological analysis and applicant/interview data.

  • This data is organized and a system of scoring is drafted for every module such as personality check, communication check etc.

  • These separate modules work in real-time and generate score-cards on the fly for this interviewer’s perusal.

  • There’s no complicated jargon present and the data is presented visually and numerically with simple descriptions.
  • The entire process is tested live on 382 candidate video resumes and automatically compared against the 150+ prior benchmarked candidate assessment stats for evaluation.


This system of psychological evaluation used in the interview process is very revolutionary. We can not only hire people who are fit for a role, but people who are tailor-made for it. This makes a step towards new holistic working environment for every major corporation with a better work culture. This also provides a more in-depth and efficient filtering system which speeds up many aspects of the hiring process. Our model ensures that the best ever candidates will be only selected for a particular profession.

On a preliminary UAT testing, we have achieved an overall accuracy of ~74%.

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